Anyway thats family i guess they care about you so much that they can't mind their own business, My views about being 22 changed at my birthday party, i felt really young, i felt like i have just started my life, most of my friends are older and a few are younger than me but i dont look that bad for a 22 years old lady, I still get people thinking am 17, 18, but thats exactly what i like so when they ask me how old i am and i tell them am only 22, i love the reaction on their faces....hehehe( who doesn't like that)

i was very honest with her last night but she is my friend can't be giving out to her like that and besides i dey enjoy the story no be small, she went on about the sex for 15mins and how she would never find a dick that good again and she has him there on stand by whenever she needs him no wahala. i felt irritated am not that kind of girl, she is an adult and she can make her own decisions but as a friend i can only say a few things its up to her to listen. i just hate when people cheat if you wanna fuck around thats cool but don't mess with people's mind, dont go into a longdistance relationship if you are not ready to face the package it comes with, the conversation did not end there, we made fun of her ex, she was like she must have been on some kind of spell to have had sex with him, she still feels sick when she thinks about him, the sex and his looks.
Apperantly the dude is getting bigger, his nose has doubled up, his stomach has blown up,and he wont leave her alone, she wants me to delete him on my facebook, she said thats the only way he finds out what she has been up to, anyway i aint deleting no body, all of a sudden she hanged up, at that point i wasn't gonna call back, i was tired, but she called back saying ''oh my God am so dead, my yahoo messenger is on and pete is online, he did not hang up'' oh shit i said to myself, i was confused and worried, she was already panicking ''o God its over, how am i gonna explain what i did, ooo lord'' it was a bit funny but how dumb can she be, she called his phone he switched it off, she started worrying even more, i called him as well he wasnt picking up, she said to me ''its over, i cheated on him, how can i explain that to him, i cant even cover up i said it with my own mouth'' she drove out to get phone credit around 2 in the morning just to call him, seriousily i was worried for my friend, apparently she told the new guy she has only slept with one dude in her entire life, she knows no other man apart from her ex.
what i would have done!!! hmmm i dont know but get ready to around 14:00 she called him and found out that his laptop froze on him, so all the conversation we had last night he heard none of it, she was relieved, i was relieved as well because it would have been very hard to convince pete that she is not that kind of girl..(who am i kidding) i hope she remains faithful to him, he is a really cool dude, he has a lot to offer her and am sure she would not be so stupid to go fuck her ex....yulk...